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Streamlining Front-End Development with Top 20 Best CSS Frameworks in 2023


What Is a CSS Framework?

A CSS framework is a collection of CSS code that simplifies the process of laying out web pages with various visual styles. It provides ready-to-use classes, UI components, grid systems, and other techniques to assist front-end developers. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) define the appearance of all page elements, such as fonts, borders, colors, etc., significantly reducing the effort for programmers and enabling them to achieve a polished website presentation in a shorter time.

Benefits of Using CSS Frameworks

  1. Fast start: Quickly demonstrate your vision of the website to clients with minimal effort.
  2. Coherence: Ensure consistent styling across all pages, creating a sense of balance for visitors.
  3. Layout without special knowledge: CSS frameworks can be used even with minimal layout expertise.
  4. Perfect cross-browser compatibility: Websites appear identical on different browsers, ensuring a seamless user experience. An excellent example is the online casino MIT Hoher, Gewinnchance which functions flawlessly on all devices.
  5. Community support: Access technical assistance easily through active and extensive community support.
  6. Customisability: Seamlessly combine and modify components and styles to create a unique website presentation.

Primary Goals of CSS Framework

A CSS framework aims to provide user-friendly interfaces for websites and applications, optimizing the efforts of programmers and yielding fast, well-elaborated results. Key goals include:

  1. Reliable and tested solutions: Avoid errors related to page layout.
  2. Flexible functionality: Achieve originality comparable to coding from scratch.
  3. Responsive web design: Ensure consistent display across devices.
  4. Simplicity of upgrading: Easily add new components or modify existing ones.

The 20 Best CSS Frameworks in 2023

NameWhat It IsGitHub StarsLicense
BootstrapThe most sought-after CSS framework165kMIT
BulmaClear and comprehensible CSS framework47.4kMIT
FoundationConsidered the best alternative to Bootstrap30kMIT
Fomantic UIAn updated version of Semantic UI3.3kMIT
Blaze UIScalability and maintainability-focused toolkit1.5kMIT
Vanilla FrameworkMinimalistic stylesheet for web projects705LGPL-3.0
TailwindTop CSS for creating unique design websites71kMIT
Open PropsNon-prescriptive CSS library3.4kMIT
TachyonsDesign-oriented CSS framework11.4kMIT
MaterialiseWeb design framework based on Google recommendation38.8kMIT
PureLightweight framework by Yahoo23kBSD
MilligramPerfect minimalistic CSS for small projects10kMIT
ChotaEase-of-use micro CSS framework1.2kMIT
SpectreFlexbox-based lightweight and responsive framework11.2kMIT
SkeletonLightweight CSS with a basic set of components3.2kMIT
WaterDrop-in collection to style your websites7.7kMIT
MVPClassless CSS framework to create a Minimal Viable Product4.7kMIT
UI KitTop CSS focused on building apps for iOS17.9kMIT
GutenbergBest CSS framework to prepare HTML pages for printing4.7kMIT
BojlerFramework devoted to the creation of email templates994MIT

General-Purpose CSS Frameworks


Bootstrap is the most sought-after CSS framework that has contributed to the creation of about one-fifth of all websites on the web. It is open-source and free for both non-commercial and commercial use.

Summary of Bootstrap:

  • File size: approx. 163.82 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 576px, 768px, 992px, 1200px, 1400px
  • JavaScript: All plugins in Bootstrap 5 are pure JavaScript (previous versions used jQuery)
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Alerts, Buttons, Card, Navs, Carousel, Media Object, Popovers, Dropdowns, Forms, List Group, Input Group, Jumbotron, Modal, Spinners, Pagination, Progress, Scrollspy, and many more
  • Particularities: Utilities, ready-made components, build layout tools, styling classes, community extensions/examples

Reasons to Use Bootstrap:

  • Tested on millions of websites
  • Abundant ready-made classes and components
  • High-speed performance
  • Customisable
  • Excellent technical support from active communities


  • Difficult to create unique designs due to its widespread usage
  • Large file sizes


Bulma is a modern and straightforward CSS framework known for its clarity and ease of use. It is suitable for developing websites and apps for all devices.

Summary of Bulma:

  • File size: approx. 206.62 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 768px, 1024px, 1216px, 1408px
  • JavaScript: Does not require JavaScript
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Box, Button, Image, Content, Notification, Card, Tab, Delete, Icon, Message, Navbar, Pagination, Progress bars, Tag, Titles
  • Particularities: Based on the Flexbox module

Reasons to Use Bulma:

  • Easy customization
  • Lightweight
  • Compatible with any JavaScript framework
  • Minimal HTML code


  • Smaller community compared to other CSS frameworks
  • Still under development, which may affect documentation


Foundation is a feature-rich CSS framework that caters to front-end developers. Originally designed for mobile devices, it now offers responsive capabilities for larger screens.

Summary of Foundation:

  • File size: approx. 134.84 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 1024px
  • JavaScript: foundation.min.js and jQuery
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Abide, Label, Accordion, Badge, Switch, Off-canvas, Flex Grid, Button, Callout, Grid, Reveal, Close Button, Equalizer, Interchange, Menu, Orbit, Pagination, Sticky, Table, Toggler, Tooltip, Visibility Classes, etc.
  • Particularities: Motion UI, using Flexbox module in the latest version, documentation with videos

Reasons to Use Foundation:

  • Open source
  • Rapid development with the Sass compiler
  • Advanced interface
  • Reliable grid system
  • Comprehensive animation library
  • Suitable for websites and email templates


  • Design may not be as appealing
  • Requires coding skills for code modification
  • Less popular than Bootstrap, resulting in limited community support

Fomantic UI

Fomantic UI is an improved version of Semantic UI, combining the best features of both frameworks to cater to their fan bases.

Summary of Fomantic UI:

  • File size: More than 600 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 723px, 933px, 1127px
  • JavaScript: jQuery
  • Grid system: 16 columns
  • Features: Buttons, Inverted Buttons, Images, Icons, Inputs, Dividers, Loaders, Breadcrumbs, Statistics, Cards, Accordions, etc.
  • Particularities: Build tools

Reasons to Use Fomantic UI:

  • Free and open source
  • Abundance of theming variables
  • Numerous UI components
  • Responsive for tablet, mobile, and other devices
  • Simplified debugging
  • Cross-browser compatibility


  • Possible style conflicts
  • Limited documentation

Blaze UI

Blaze UI is a mobile-first CSS framework with responsive capabilities for other devices as well. It relies on native browser features without additional CSS libraries.

Summary of Blaze UI:

  • JavaScript: Compact JavaScript Library
  • Features: Addresses, Avatars, Badges, Divider, Lists, Trees, etc.
  • Particularities: One of the lightest CSS frameworks

Reasons to Use Blaze UI:

  • Free and open source
  • Works well on all screen sizes
  • Easy customisation
  • Lightweight UI toolkit
  • Well-documented


  • Less JavaScript support compared to other frameworks
  • Smaller community, resulting in limited technical support

Vanilla Framework

Vanilla Framework is a minimalist CSS framework that can be easily expanded and complemented with custom patterns.

Summary of Vanilla Framework:

  • JavaScript: Compact JavaScript Library
  • Grid system: Responsive CSS grid
  • Features: Accordion, Badge, Buttons, Cards, Grid, Chips, Icons, Lists, etc.
  • Particularities: Built using Sass

Reasons to Use Vanilla Framework:

  • Highly flexible
  • Easy to integrate into projects
  • Lightweight
  • Responsive CSS grid
  • Pre-made HTML elements
  • Compatible with numerous other frameworks


  • Requires expanding JavaScript support
  • Smaller community, affecting technical assistance

Utility-Based CSS Frameworks


Tailwind is a powerful CSS framework known for its advanced infrastructure. It is suitable for creating complex and unique websites and has gained popularity in recent years.

Summary of Tailwind:

  • File size: approx. 2413.4 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px, 1536px
  • JavaScript: Varies
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Possibility of combining CSS classes for creating components

Reasons to Use Tailwind:

  • Compatible with many other frameworks
  • Greater control and easy component modeling
  • Excellent documentation
  • Support for all modern browsers
  • Unlimited flexibility


  • Excessive use of utility classes

Open Props

Open Props is an optimised open-source non-prescriptive CSS library that allows custom classes to be used alongside or instead of predefined class names.

Summary of Open Props:

  • Responsive breakpoints: 360px, 480px, 768px, 1024px, 1400px, 1920px
  • JavaScript: Builds the JavaScript modules
  • Features: Lists, Code, Audio, Video, Progress, Meter, Images, Checkboxes, etc.
  • Particularities: Non-prescriptive CSS library

Reasons to Use Open Props:

  • Vast possibilities for website design
  • Customizable interfaces
  • Opportunity to add animations


  • Insufficient documentation
  • Smaller community, limiting technical support


Tachyons is a progressive CSS framework that utilises functions and utilities to design web pages and apps, minimising the use of code and resulting in a small CSS file size.

Summary of Tachyons:

  • File size: approx. 73.26 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: Medium and large
  • JavaScript: Optional
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Article Lists, Articles, Forms, Avatars, Tables, Collections, Links, Banners, Buttons, Cards, Footers, Layout, Headers, Lists, Quotes, Text, etc.
  • Particularities: Open-source CSS libraries

Reasons to Use Tachyons:

  • Powerful yet flexible front-end framework
  • Simple class functions
  • Follows a mobile-first strategy
  • Thorough module documentation


  • Limited distribution due to high competition
  • More challenging to master compared to alternative products


Materialise is a front-end framework that allows you to bring web design ideas to life with minimal effort. It enables the creation of web products in Google’s style, making it one of the most popular CSS frameworks.

Summary of Materialise:

  • File size: approx. 139.62 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 600px, 992px, 1200px
  • JavaScript: Materialise.min.js and jQuery
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Auto Init, Collapsible, Badges, Footer, Breadcrumbs, Carousel, FeatureDiscovery, Icons, Pushpin, Modals, Scrollspy, Navbar, Pagination, Tooltips, Waves, etc.
  • Particularities: Tailored to Material Design

Reasons to Use Materialise:

  • Abundance of advanced components and classes
  • Maximises developer productivity
  • Fast page loading
  • Easy to use


  • Limited ability to create a unique product due to design uniformity
  • Reliance on excessive JavaScript

Lightweight CSS Frameworks


Pure is the most popular lightweight CSS framework, developed by Yahoo as a minimalist alternative to Bootstrap.

Summary of Pure:

  • File size: approx. 16.79 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 568px, 768px, 1024px, 1280px
  • JavaScript: Limited support
  • Grid system: 5 and 24 columns
  • Features: Base, Forms, Grids, Tables, Buttons, Menus
  • Particularities: Built on Normalise.css

Reasons to Use Pure:

  • Very small file size
  • Works well with leading browsers and OS
  • Possibility of adding Bootstrap elements


  • Minimal JavaScript support (vanilla JavaScript is possible)


Milligram is a free and minimalistic CSS framework that proves a tiny framework can be powerful. It ranks high among CSS frameworks due to its complete set of tools in a very small file size.

Summary of Milligram:

  • File size: approx. 9 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 1280px, 1920px
  • JavaScript: Does not support JavaScript
  • Features: Buttons, Typography, Tables, Blockquotes, Lists, Forms, Grid


  • Particularities: Use of Flexible Box Layout Module

Reasons to Use Milligram:

  • Enables developers to create clean and concise code
  • Several handy ways to add it to your projects
  • Can be mastered in just one day


  • Lack of templates
  • Some components from other popular front-end frameworks are not available due to the lack of JavaScript support
  • Smaller community, making technical assistance difficult


Chota is a new CSS framework focused on ease of use with clear rules that even beginners can understand. Despite being a micro framework with a very small file size, it comes with a great set of components and utilities.

Summary of Chota:

  • File size: approx. 3 kB
  • JavaScript: Limited JavaScript support
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Rid, Tabs, Buttons, Card, Nav, Tag
  • Particularities: Doesn’t use preprocessors

Reasons to Use Chota:

  • Possibility to extend thanks to SASS
  • Support of seven leading browsers
  • Adheres to semantic HTML conventions
  • Possibility of using icons


  • Few learning materials
  • Lack of comprehensive community support


Spectre is based on Flexbox and CSS grid, allowing it to create responsive websites with a small file size. It is optimised for different fonts, including Asian ones, and is considered one of the best CSS frameworks.

Summary of Spectre:

  • File size: approx. 45 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 480px, 600px, 840px, 960px, 1280px
  • JavaScript: Does not support JavaScript
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Accordions, Code, Avatars, Buttons, Labels, Toasts, Cards, Chips, Forms, Hero, Media, Panels, Menu, Modals, Nav, Steps, Tables, Tooltips, Typography, etc.
  • Particularities: Based on the Flexbox module

Reasons to Use Spectre:

  • Multiple methods to add to your project
  • Ability to edit LESS files
  • Easily creates uncommon responsive tables
  • Compatible with older browsers


  • Does not support JavaScript


Skeleton is a minimalist and lightweight CSS framework that provides only basic CSS components, making it ideal for quickly starting the development of a website.

Summary of Skeleton:

  • File size: approx. 31.6 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 440px, 550px, 750px, 1000px, 1200px
  • JavaScript: Based on CSS and JavaScript
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Grid, Forms, Typography, Tables, Media queries, Buttons, Lists, etc.
  • Particularities: Has tested Less and Sass extensions proposed by the community

Reasons to Use Skeleton:

  • Easy to store and manage due to small file size
  • Works with all modern browsers
  • Easy to learn even for inexperienced developers
  • Ability to use Sass or Less extensions


  • The choice of pre-styled components is not very wide

Class-Less CSS Frameworks


Water is a simple and lightweight CSS framework ideal for developing simple static web pages or presenting demo websites to clients. It doesn’t require classes and can be easily added to projects using just one line of code.

Summary of Water:

  • File size: < 2 kB
  • JavaScript: Based on CSS and JavaScript
  • Features: Background, Code, Border, Animation, Links, Focus, Variable, etc.
  • Particularities: Built with CSS variables

Reasons to Use Water:

  • Class-free semantic HTML
  • High code quality
  • Supports all popular browsers
  • Customisable


  • Best suited for small projects only


MVP is the best CSS framework for quickly creating a Minimal Viable Product. By adding just one line of code to your HTML file, you can style your website and make it more attractive.

Summary of MVP:

  • File size: One line of code
  • JavaScript: Does not require JavaScript
  • Features: Table, Details, Summary, Code, Checkbox, Pre-line, Focus, Font, etc.
  • Particularities: Easy CSS variables modification

Reasons to Use MVP:

  • Easy workflow using semantic HTML
  • Reusable components
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Free for any purpose
  • Ability to use CSS variables


  • The choice of customisation options is quite limited

Specialised CSS Frameworks

UI Kit

UI Kit is the best CSS framework for developing applications for iOS. Backed by Apple, it provides the perfect user experience with an intuitive interactive interface built with CSS libraries.

Summary of UI Kit:

  • File size: approx. 256.01 kB
  • Responsive breakpoints: 640px, 960px, 1200px, 1600px
  • JavaScript: uikit.min.js
  • Grid system: 12 columns
  • Features: Alert, Animation, Cover, Article, List, Badge, Block, Grid, Breadcrumb, Button, Close, Flex, Column, Comment, Contrast, Pagination, Dropdown, Form, Icon, Overlay, etc.
  • Particularities: Free autocomplete plugins

Reasons to Use UI Kit:

  • Creating a consistent style for web products and applications
  • Ability to quickly design alternative project options
  • Ease of rebranding due to the wide selection of UI components offered by the best UI framework


  • App performance may degrade when using advanced features


Gutenberg is the best CSS framework for content appearance when printed. It offers a variety of post templates that facilitate and speed up the work of the developer, making the results attractive to end-users.

Summary of Gutenberg:

  • Responsive breakpoints: 480px, 600px, 782px, 960px, 1080px, 1280px, 1440px
  • JavaScript: Supports JavaScript
  • Features: Code, Headings, Sub, Paragraph, Blockquote figure, Sup, etc.
  • Particularities: Available on npm

Reasons to Use Gutenberg:

  • Ease of use thanks to the block system
  • Can be mastered without programming skills
  • Thousands of blocks available
  • Detailed documentation


  • Narrow focus


Bojler is one of the best CSS frameworks for responsive email templates. It is easy to use yet allows you to create great product designs compatible with various email clients.

Summary of Bojler:

  • File size: approx. 345.9 kB
  • JavaScript: Supports JavaScript
  • Features: Reset styles, Grid system, Components, Utility classes, Typography
  • Particularities: Built with SASS

Reasons to Use Bojler:

  • Lightweight email templates
  • Works correctly with common email clients
  • Wide selection of utility classes and components


  • Narrow focus, interesting only to a small community of users

Is Tailwind Better than Bootstrap?

The choice between Tailwind and Bootstrap depends on your specific tasks. If you need to quickly create an effective digital product using a responsive website design framework, Bootstrap is a suitable option. However, if you desire an

ultra-modern CSS framework and the ability to create unique product layouts, Tailwind is the preferred choice. It provides a greater level of flexibility and customisation, but it requires more effort to master compared to Bootstrap.


CSS frameworks have become indispensable tools for web developers. By streamlining front-end development, they allow for faster and more consistent website creation. With numerous options available, developers can choose the best CSS framework based on their project requirements and personal preferences. Whether it’s a general-purpose, utility-based, lightweight, class-less, or specialised CSS framework, these tools have proven to be essential in achieving attractive and responsive web designs with minimal effort.

jaam automation and Holcim Group Shine at Nintex SIAs with Dual Wins


jaam automation, a pioneering automation company, is celebrating a remarkable achievement with dual wins at the prestigious Nintex Solution Innovation Awards (SIAs). Notably, Holcim Group, a leader in sustainable construction, secured the Customer Excellence Award for the AI-powered CV standardisation solution designed and implemented by jaam automation. Additionally, Ernie Hayter, Head of Automation at jaam, earned an Individual Excellence Award for his outstanding work on jaam’s new work and case management solution.

Holcim Group, with its global mission of end-to-end decarbonisation of building practices, faced the challenge of managing CV standardisation for its extensive workforce of 65,000 employees across multiple regions. Collaborating closely with Holcim, jaam automation developed an intelligent automation solution that seamlessly transformed CVs into the required format using AI-powered tools, such as Affinda, integrated with a customised Nintex K2 cloud application. This innovative solution streamlined the CV upload, data extraction, and review process, effectively integrating with SAP SuccessFactors. The transformation significantly reduced processing time, with HR managers now capable of bulk uploading hundreds of CVs in minutes, while employees can extract their CV data in seconds, greatly enhancing efficiency.

Beyond the remarkable turnaround on standardised CVs, the new solution empowers the HR team with comprehensive reporting capabilities, allowing them to analyse application usage, CV processing metrics, return on investment, and adoption rates across different regions. Andrés Arias, Group Head of HR Innovation & Transformation at Holcim, expressed delight with the award, acknowledging the positive impact of the solution on data enhancement and Talent-related processes.

Andrew Murphy, Head of Strategy at jaam automation, praised the partnership with Holcim, emphasising the project’s successful achievement of freeing up staff for more value-added tasks, thanks to the power of automation and AI technologies.

Adding to jaam automation’s triumph, Ernie Hayter secured the Individual Excellence Award for his instrumental work on the company’s new work and case management solution. This transformative jaam product boasts enhanced productivity, streamlined workflows, improved collaboration, and faster case resolution, ultimately leading to a seamless user experience for both jaam customers and the broader Nintex community. Ernie expressed gratitude for the award and attributed the success to the collective effort of the jaam team.

The Nintex Solution Innovation Awards recognise exemplary achievements in digital transformation using the Nintex Process Platform. The panel of judges evaluated nominations submitted by Nintex customers or partners, acknowledging exceptional process and automation solutions that yielded significant results.

Nintex CEO, Amit Mathradas, commended jaam automation and Holcim Group for their innovative approach and perpetual curiosity, which epitomises the essence of automation and artificial intelligence in this new era.

As a renowned leader in automation, jaam automation’s achievements at the Nintex SIAs reaffirm their commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions and driving digital transformation for their clients. With the spirit of continuous innovation, jaam automation remains poised to make a lasting impact in the automation landscape.

Green Climate World’s Mission to Mitigate Forest Fires and Protect Greek Wildlife

The destructive forest fires in Greece have left behind a devastating impact on the country’s diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity. The loss of vegetation has disrupted delicate ecosystem balance, leading to the decline of valuable flora and fauna. To combat this ongoing challenge, proactive measures are essential to protect forests, wildlife, and communities in Greece. One promising approach is tree planting, which not only enhances oxygen levels but also aids in the fight against climate change. Green Climate World’s innovative tree planting initiative, utilizing drones, seeks to restore atmospheric oxygen levels, promote reforestation, and restore ecosystems. Dr. Yasam Ayavefe, the founder of Green Climate World, shares insights into how the initiative can be beneficial for Greece.

  1. The Significance of Tree Planting in Greece:

Greece’s unique natural habitats are highly vulnerable to the devastating impact of forest fires. Through tree planting initiatives, Greece can safeguard its environment and biodiversity. Trees play a crucial role in mitigating climate change by absorbing carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and releasing oxygen, thus helping reduce the greenhouse effect.

  1. Green Climate World’s Project: Restoring Oxygen Levels and Combating Climate Change:

Dr. Yasam Ayavefe’s Green Climate World project is primarily focused on restoring atmospheric oxygen levels through tree planting. Deforestation is a critical ecological issue today, stemming from natural disasters and human activities, as evident in recent Greek forest fires. Deforestation contributes to the decrease in oxygen production, exacerbating the global carbon footprint.

  1. The Innovative Approach of Green Climate World’s Tree Planting Drones:

Green Climate World employs an advanced approach to tree planting, utilizing cutting-edge drones and planting experts. The process commences with comprehensive terrain mapping and soil analysis to ascertain the nutrients required for healthy tree growth. Biodegradable capsules, each containing seeds and specific nutrients, are loaded into the drones. The drones then fly at a low altitude, accurately releasing the capsules at designated locations. Upon impact, the capsules decompose, releasing nutrients and seeds for optimal growth. This method ensures efficiency, effectiveness, and a high success rate in tree planting endeavors.

  1. The Effects of Reforestation and Ecosystem Restoration:

To encourage habitat recovery in fire-affected regions, reforestation and restoration of natural vegetation are imperative. By preserving biodiversity and ensuring the survival of numerous plant and animal species, ecosystems can regenerate over time.

Forest fires in Greece present a significant challenge to the country’s natural habitats, biodiversity, and communities. By increasing oxygen levels, combatting climate change, promoting reforestation, and restoring ecosystems, Green Climate World’s tree planting program offers a potential solution. Implementing such proactive measures will better protect Greece’s forests and reduce the devastating impact of wildfires on its environment and society.

Dr. Yasam Ayavefe

Click the links below to explore Dr. Yasam Ayavefe’s projects:


Number Plate Cloning Costs UK Motorists Millions


Number plate cloning is becoming a widespread issue across the UK, leading to fines imposed on thousands of innocent drivers, as warned by number plate experts.

Plates4less, a division of VRM Swansea, has raised a red flag after receiving over 50 calls per week from drivers who have fallen victim to plate-cloning criminals and consequently faced fines and legal action.

These cloning activities enable criminals to steal fuel, gain unauthorised access to congestion zones, evade speeding tickets, and indulge in law-breaking activities without being held accountable.

Antony Clark, the Marketing Manager at Plates4less, expressed, “We have been inundated with calls from drivers. There has been a significant surge in number plate cloning over the past two years. We receive between 50 and 100 calls every single week from car owners seeking personalised number plates to dissociate themselves from the cloned registration mark.”

He further explained, “Cover plates are the most economical solution that Plates4less provides, allowing people to change their vehicle’s registration mark with a non-personalised combination.”

Dealing with repeated fines from various enforcement agencies proves to be time-consuming and frustrating for car owners, leading many to opt for plate changes as a swift and cost-effective resolution to the problem.

Based in Swansea, Plates4less is committed to assisting clients from the UK and Northern Ireland in buying and selling private plates.

Antony warned, “There are numerous unscrupulous companies and individuals engaged in the manufacturing and selling of number plates, with many operating on platforms like Amazon, eBay, and Facebook. They neglect to verify if the buyer has the legal right to acquire a set of plates, which is now a legal requirement put in place to assist law enforcement agencies. With over 25 years of experience in this industry, our customers trust us to take care of them, time and again.”

He further emphasised, “We are not about hard selling; our focus is on problem-solving, and we will go above and beyond to assist our customers, particularly after they have fallen prey to criminals, an awful experience for anyone.”

Victims of Number Plate Clone Scams Turn to Personalised Plates, Expert Reveals


In the wake of distressing number plate clone scams, targeted drivers are seeking solace in personalised number plates, as explained by a car expert.

Perpetrators of these scams often target vehicles of the same make and model as their own (often stolen) car, opting to clone their number plates. The ruse is to evade suspicion during initial checks conducted by officials, as the number plates would appear to be associated with the same model of vehicle.

However, this deceitful practice could lead to lawful motorists being subjected to fines or charges for a vehicle they were not driving, merely because it bears identical number plates.

The DVLA warns, “If you are being contacted about fines or charges which you are not responsible for because someone else is using the registration number for your vehicle, your vehicle might have been cloned. Cloning involves copying the identity of a similar (non-stolen) vehicle already on the road. Criminals find an exact make, model, and colour of the car they have stolen, then use the same registration number on their stolen vehicle to make it look legal. If you suspect your vehicle has been cloned, the following points will help you avoid becoming a victim of further crime.”

Jon Kirkbright, the sales director at Reghunters.co.uk, estimates that approximately 20% of customers seeking to purchase a cost-effective number plate have turned to them after experiencing their licence plate being cloned.

Reghunters claims to be the UK’s most affordable number plate retailer, offering plates starting at a mere £25 plus VAT and a £80 DVLA transfer fee.

Jon explains, “Customers often find it more convenient to buy a cheap number plate from us, and they can have the new plate in use within hours of purchase. Our experienced staff handles all the registration transfer paperwork with the DVLA, provided the customer can furnish their V5 certificate. From there, we efficiently transfer the new private registration plate onto the selected vehicle, freeing the customer from the burden of their original cloned registration.”

Jon acknowledges that these legitimate customers are victims of crime and, regrettably, they bear the cost of the solution out of their own pockets.

He further states, “It’s truly unfair; the onus should not be on the customer to resolve this issue, as they have fallen prey to a crime. However, many find it much more cost-effective to acquire a new number plate and put an end to the matter, rather than spending hours on the phone and completing paperwork to convince the relevant authorities that the fines or charges were wrongly sent to them. By changing their registration plate, they can avoid facing this problem repeatedly.”

Reghunters.co.uk takes pride in boasting the largest database of private number plates, offering over 63 million plates for sale, and operates from its base in Blackpool, Lancashire.

The company’s efficient online platform empowers customers to search for their desired number plate combinations, with transparent pricing and no hidden fees.

Victims of number plate clone scams may be searching for the most economical plate available, and they can conveniently browse the best deals offered here.

In addition to providing personalised plates, Jon and his team extend a free valuation service to customers who already possess private plates, processing around 250 requests each day.

To learn more, visit Reghunters.co.uk or explore their Facebook page.

Cybersecurity Firm Raises Alarm on Escalating Cyber Threats to Critical Infrastructure


In light of recent alarming cyber incidents targeting critical infrastructure globally, particularly the cyber attacks on Norwegian government ministries, the pressing need for heightened cybersecurity measures to protect these critical systems has once again taken center stage.

Smarttech247, in response to this critical issue, is urging all organisations with Operational Technology (OT) systems in place to conduct a thorough review of their current security measures. Additionally, the company is actively collaborating with critical infrastructure agencies to bolster their cybersecurity defenses. The recent attacks have laid bare vulnerabilities in the public sector on a global scale, emphasising the urgent requirement for proactive and resilient cybersecurity measures.

The nefarious intentions of cyber actors targeting critical infrastructure, including power grids, transportation networks, and water supply systems, pose a significant threat to public services, public safety, and the economy at large.

Raluca Saceanu, the CEO of Smarttech247, expressed her concern, stating, “Over the past 12 months, we have observed a staggering 70% increase in attempted cyber attacks on organisations’ Operational Technology (OT) or Industrial Control Systems (ICS) systems. This poses grave risks to the essential services that our societies rely upon. We are dedicated to empowering organisations to confront these evolving challenges head-on, safeguarding critical infrastructure with robust defense strategies and cutting-edge technologies.”

To tackle the ever-evolving threat landscape, considering the projected 25 billion IoT connections worldwide by 2025, Smarttech247 is taking proactive measures. They are offering a complimentary cybersecurity health check to critical infrastructures across Europe.

According to Saceanu, this initiative is designed to identify vulnerabilities and strengthen defenses, thereby fortifying these critical systems against potential cyber risks.

A businessman who co-founded a £1 billion sex toy company is tee-ed up for more success with a new golf venture 


A businessman who co-founded a £1 billion sex toy company is tee-ed up for more success with a new golf venture.

Richard Longhurst, 53, helped to create the world’s biggest sexual wellness firm by starting Lovehoney with £4,500 savings after leaving his job as a magazine editor at Future Publishing in 2002.

Longhurst quit Lovehoney in 2019 with co-founder Neal Slateford after they sold their majority stake to Swiss venture capitalists.

Now he has invented Pocket Timer, an easy-to-use golf gadget that could save players’ scores and is already a hit on courses across the UK.

He talked about his business journey from sex toys to golf gadgets on Brightpearl’s Lightning 50 podcast.

Shaped like a coin and roughly the size of a poker chip, the lightweight, bright red Pocket Timer is designed to help players find lost balls using the full three minutes they are entitled to under the current Rules of Golf.

Golfers simply click the timer in their pocket and it buzzes every 30 seconds, ending with a double buzz when the three minutes have elapsed.

Longhurst, who is golf mad and plays off a handicap of two at Bath Golf Club, said: “I first had the idea when the rules changed in 2019 and you went from having five minutes to find a lost ball to three, incurring a one shot penalty if you cannot locate it.

“Not everybody likes wearing a watch when they play golf, so the only other way you’d be able to keep time is by using your phone. But most golfers keep that in their golf bag and it’s unlikely anybody is going to pull it out before they go traipsing off into the rough to look for their ball.

“I figured having a little thing in your pocket that keeps time and vibrates – of course – when your three minutes is up would be a simple, efficient solution.

“Most golfers were giving up too soon because they were worried about holding up play and needlessly conceding a shot.”

Longhurst shared his vision with the owners of Joy Factory, a Chinese company he had used in his Lovehoney days. Using the mould for a sex toy remote control, Pocket Timer was born.

He believes it fills an important gap in the market and, having helped improve people’s performance and pleasure in the bedroom, he is hoping to do the same on the golf course.

Using his ecommerce experience, he set up a new website selling Pocket Timer and he is now sending out the gadgets all over the world because the rules of golf are the same wherever it is played.

Longhurst, who lives in Bath, still attends Lovehoney board meetings and has a 10% stake in the firm which merged with German sex toy giant WOW Tech in 2021.

Lovehoney Group is forecast to deliver more than £300 million in revenue per year and it has blossomed into a global business worth £1 billion.

The sexual wellness category is growing so rapidly that sales are expected to exceed £40 billion globally by 2028.

Lovehoney won two Queen’s Awards for Enterprise during Longhurst’s time and he met the late monarch at a reception for winners at Buckingham Palace.

Longhurst told the L50 podcast that the key to Lovehoney’s success were fun ideas such as the Rabbit Amnesty which allowed customers to recycle their old sex toys and amazing customer service – something he wants to repeat with Pocket Timer.

While Longhurst keeps a close eye on his old industry, his focus these days is on golf.

He said: “You never know – there might be more money to be made from Pocket Timer than from selling sex toys.”

* Richard Longhurst talks about his business journey from sex toys to golf gadgets on Brightpearl’s Lightning 50  Podcast

UK’s First Black Tech Day Event Aims to Bridge Tech Divide and Empower Underrepresented Communities

Dexter Simms, an award-winning serial entrepreneur and community leader, is spearheading the UK’s first Black Tech Day event, with the support of TV personalities Emmanuel Asuquo and Big Narstie. The two-day interactive and educational tech-focused event is set to take place on 19th and 20th August at London South Bank University, aiming to inspire young individuals from underrepresented communities to explore careers in the tech industry.

With more than 40 speakers and special guests, Black Tech Day anticipates attracting 1600 attendees over the two days, making it one of the most significant annual community tech events in the region.

The event seeks to bring together young people, parents, and entrepreneurs from underrepresented backgrounds and disadvantaged communities with leading experts to discuss the impact of technological advancement on the future of work.

As the UK Tech sector’s value reaches $1 trillion and is expected to grow to $4 trillion in the next decade, Black Tech Day aims to encourage more individuals from the BAME community to pursue tech careers and facilitate an increase in underrepresented demographics within the industry.

Currently, ethnic minorities represent only 22% of the tech workforce across the board, with even lower numbers in specific areas like cybersecurity (12%) and AI, analytics, data science, and data management (12%).

Dexter Simms’ vision to create equal opportunities for young people in South London and beyond inspired the idea behind Black Tech Day. He emphasises the lack of representation and access to technology, particularly within the Black community, and highlights the need for providing equal access to opportunities.

The event welcomes a diverse audience, including young people exploring tech careers, parents seeking insights into the impact of technological advancement on their children’s career options, business owners looking for tech solutions to grow their companies, and educational institutions connecting with prospective students for courses and apprenticeships.

Black Tech Day has attracted renowned speakers and panelists from around the world, such as Malik Stout – Executive Producer and Host of On The Bloc Chain Show and Yuvika Gupta – Mindset and Inspirational Speaker.

The event features an opening address by the Mayor of Croydon, a live FIFA gaming competition hosted by Big Narstie with a cash prize, and a live Q&A on finances with TV’s Emmanuel Asuquo. Panels will explore topics including the latest trends in Web 2 and Web 3 technologies, coding, and gamefi. A workshop on The Future of News will be hosted by The Guardian Foundation.

The event has garnered support from various organisations through sponsorship and collaborations, including Croydon College, LSBU, Mula Cake, NBA 2K, Capcom, Bandai Namco, GLA, and DWP.

Black Tech Day aims to provide a platform to explore cutting-edge technology, acquire valuable skills, and engage in interactive workshops, fostering the power of education, technology, and community to shape a brighter future for all.

For more information about the event, including the agenda and ticket purchase, visit: https://blacktechday.com/

Mozillion Introduces London’s First Rapid Cash Service for Selling Phones

Mozillion, the mobile industry’s first dedicated marketplace, has unveiled an innovative cash service for London residents selling iPhones 11-14. Once sellers accept an offer on the Mozillion platform, they can receive their cash within just a few hours.

The new CashLab service operates from a diagnostic centre in Central London, streamlining the process for sellers. They can have their phones collected, tested, and receive payment directly into their bank accounts, all within as little as 3 hours.

CEO Len Leeson elaborates on the convenience of the service: “Whether you reside in Ealing, Barking, Edgware, or Morden, you don’t need to leave your sofa or desk. As soon as your phone passes our thorough checks, we release your cash instantly.”

The diagnostic process involves a comprehensive 90-point examination, assessing visual condition, genuine parts, performance, and battery health. Additionally, Mozillion verifies the phones against major lost and stolen databases, ensuring only top-quality and authenticated devices are accepted. In return, sellers receive market-leading prices for their phones.

As an example of the benefits, on August 1, 2023, a good-as-new iPhone 14 Pro 128GB could have been traded in with a network for £545. However, through CashLab, the Mozillion seller received a higher amount of £703 and received payment within 2 hours.

For phone buyers, there’s also great news. Mozillion offers the opportunity to purchase a good-as-new phone, arrange for courier delivery, and have the device up and running within just 2 hours. Leeson further explains, “You can sell and buy simultaneously, secure better prices, and leave all the running around to Mozillion.”

To learn more about this rapid cash service and explore buying or selling options, visit https://www.mozillion.com/cashlab.

Empowering Your Business: Where to Find the Best Energy Comparisons


Every savvy business owner understands the importance of minimizing expenses while maximizing efficiency, and one often overlooked area where this can be applied is in energy usage. The key? Energy comparison for business. But where can you find such a comparison, and how can you use it effectively? Let’s find out!

Introduction to Energy Comparison

Are you aware that you could be paying more than necessary for your business’s energy consumption? That’s right! Energy providers offer varying rates and terms, which means you might be able to find a better deal elsewhere. energy comparison for business is the practice of comparing different energy suppliers and their offerings to find the best fit for your company’s needs and budget.

Why is Energy Comparison Important for Businesses?

In today’s competitive market, every penny counts. Businesses that fail to perform regular energy comparisons may end up wasting valuable resources on expensive energy deals. This can have a significant impact on the bottom line.

Factors to Consider for Energy Comparison

When comparing energy deals for your business, it’s essential to take a few factors into consideration.

Energy Consumption

Understanding your business’s energy consumption patterns is the first step in the energy comparison process.

Peak and Off-Peak Hours

Some businesses may have higher energy usage during certain times of the day. Identifying these peak and off-peak hours can help you choose an energy plan that best suits your business.

Seasonal Variations

Seasonal variations can significantly impact your energy consumption. For instance, businesses in colder climates may require more energy during winter months.

Type of Energy Source

Another crucial factor to consider when comparing energy deals is the type of energy source.

Traditional Energy Sources

Traditional energy sources such as gas and electricity are commonly used by businesses. However, these energy sources can fluctuate in price due to market conditions.

Renewable Energy Sources

As businesses strive to become more environmentally friendly, renewable energy sources like solar and wind are becoming increasingly popular.

Where to Find Energy Comparison for Businesses

There are several places where businesses can compare energy deals.

Comparison Websites

There are numerous comparison websites that allow businesses to compare energy prices from different suppliers easily. These sites provide a comprehensive overview of the available energy deals, making it easier to find one that suits your business.

Energy Brokers

Energy brokers offer a more personalized service. They can help your business negotiate better energy deals by leveraging their industry knowledge and connections.

Direct Energy Suppliers

Direct energy suppliers also offer business energy comparison services. By contacting these suppliers directly, you can inquire about their current energy deals and negotiate a contract that fits your business.

Energy Efficiency 20

How to Choose the Best Energy Deal for Your Business

Understanding Energy Tariffs

Fixed Tariffs

A fixed tariff means that the price you pay for each unit of energy remains constant throughout your contract term. This can be an excellent option for businesses that want to avoid unexpected energy cost fluctuations.

Variable Tariffs

With variable tariffs, the unit price can change depending on market conditions. This could result in savings when energy prices drop but could also lead to higher costs when prices rise.

Contracts and Terms

Different energy suppliers offer different contract terms. It’s essential to thoroughly read and understand these terms before signing an agreement.

Conclusion: Energy Comparison is Crucial for Your Business

In conclusion, energy comparison for businesses is not just an option; it’s a necessity. With the potential to save on energy costs and boost your business’s sustainability efforts, there’s every reason to start comparing energy deals today.