After a hiatus to focus on her family, Xanthe Milton, famously known as Cookie Girl, is re-entering the culinary scene. Rising from modest beginnings to...
MobileSquared and Global Telco Consult (GTC) have unveiled a strategic partnership to deliver unparalleled messaging intelligence and consultancy services to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), platform providers, and...
INTO University Partnerships is launching a groundbreaking "Return & Connect" service, a digital and physical platform dedicated to empowering international students with enhanced career opportunities....
Today, PikPerfect, an acclaimed maker of premium photo books and wedding albums, announced the launch of its Do-It-Yourself service, a new method for customers to craft bespoke...
Polly Frame, celebrated for her portrayal of Ginny in “Harry Potter and the Cursed Child,” embraces a new challenge as the enigmatic detective Tessa McCallister...
The Business Awards UK has proudly announced the winners and finalists of the 2024 Care Awards, showcasing exceptional talent and innovation within the care sector....
Quantum-h, a prominent emerging technology agency, together with the University of Reading, is delighted to announce that they have been awarded a prestigious grant from...
DaCapo Primary Music has launched an innovative new tool, DaCapo Online, designed to redefine music education in primary schools and empower every teacher to be...
This week, Atlantic Pacific Global Logistics, a leading provider of global logistics and supply chain services, has been honoured with the prestigious King's Award for...
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